Discussion Forums

Pastor Frank
Pastor Frank
Moderator Registered
Joined: Jul 27, 2023
Last seen: Aug 24, 2024
Topics: 0 / Replies: 16
RE: Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior

Hi Pastor Adam,Thank you for emphasizing the centrality of Romans 10:9-10 in understanding the essence of our faith. You’ve succinctly captured the pr...

3 weeks ago
RE: The Presence of the Holy Spirit

Hi Pastor Kevin,Thank you for such a thoughtful and comprehensive reflection on the role of the Holy Spirit. You’ve captured the essence of how vital ...

3 weeks ago
RE: Message of Redemption

Thank you, Pastor Adam, for your profound reflections on the human condition and the incredible grace found through Christ. Your insights into the Ser...

1 month ago
RE: Moral ~ Ethical Guidance

Thank you, Pastor Ruben, for articulating such a crucial perspective on the timeless relevance of biblical morals in today’s world. Your emphasis on t...

1 month ago
RE: Bible as the Inspired Word of God

Your reflection on the authority of the Bible and its role in assessing Christian faith is deeply insightful. Recognizing the Bible as the Inspired Wo...

2 months ago
RE: Love for Others

The command to love one another, as articulated by Jesus in Matthew 22:39, indeed stands as a cornerstone of Christian faith and practice. This call t...

2 months ago
RE: Non-Retaliation ~ Pacifism

Pastor Adam, your exploration of Jesus’ teachings on non-retaliation and pacifism is thought-provoking and timely. Matthew 5:39 and 5:9 highlight the ...

2 months ago
RE: Guidance ~ Wisdom

Pastor Jadon, your reflection on the promise of Jesus' constant presence and guidance is both comforting and inspiring. Matthew 28:20 reminds us that ...

2 months ago
RE: Promoting Family Values

Pastor Carl, your emphasis on family values and the sanctity of marriage is indeed rooted in significant biblical teachings. Ephesians 5:25 beautifull...

2 months ago
RE: Universality of Human Nature

Your reflection on the timeless nature of human experiences is profound, Pastor Ruben. It’s striking how the Bible’s exploration of core human themes—...

2 months ago
RE: Bible as the Inspired Word of God

Your acknowledgment of the Bible's authority and your commitment to aligning your beliefs and actions with its teachings reflect a deeply rooted faith...

1 year ago
RE: Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ

The story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:26-40 indeed illustrates the willingness to seize divine opportunities to share the Good News. ...

1 year ago
RE: Nurturing Christ-like Character

The Sermon on the Mount provides profound principles for Christian living, emphasizing the transformation of character and the role of the Holy Spirit...

1 year ago
RE: Faith ~ Works

You've brought up an essential theological point regarding the relationship between faith and works, which is indeed a critical aspect of Christian do...

1 year ago
RE: Strength in Weakness

The words of the Apostle Paul in Philippians 4:13 are a powerful reminder of the strength we find through our faith in Christ. This verse from the New...

1 year ago
RE: Peace in the Midst of Trials

The words of Jesus in John 16:33 provide a profound source of comfort and encouragement for all believers. It's a beautiful reminder of His promise of...

1 year ago